Monday, March 26, 2012

Why I eat quinoa on Monday and Tuesday

I love the feeling of an upcoming bowel movement first thing in the morning. Especially on Wednesday, which is the day I step on the scale. I rise from bed at 5:10 and I hope for the evacuation process to begin no later than 6:00 am. Timing was a bit off this past Wednesday as I was fully clothed and about to leave the house with my kids in tow when the need finally came to pass.

So this Wednesday I weighed in crap and all. The scale did not move. Zero, zip, zilch.


Then the floodgates opened twenty minutes later and continued on the remainder of the day. But, it was too late. I recorded "0" in the progress report for March 21.

I must admit that I wasn't surprised by Wednesday's results. Nowadays I have a much better sense as to what the scale is going to do. Of course it is still unpredictable, but I can look back on my food choices, the amount of exercise I fit in, and I can feel it when I'm retaining water. However, the best indicator of weight loss (or not) seems to be the frequency of bowel movements. If you ain't pooin' the scale ain't movin'.

Last week, the regularity train ended heading into the work week. How do I say this delicately? I wasn't experiencing, you know, anything... well, satisfying. Upon reflection, I surmise that this state of semi-constipation occurred due a few instances of unusual weekend eating.

- All normal, however, lunch's selection wasn't as healthy as the rest of the day. We went to the Maple Syrup Festival at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. The little bears were delighted to look at the cows, pigs and peacocks, run on the top of a course of hay bales, and the tractor ride to the pancake house. So, lunch consisted of three pancakes with maple syrup and bacon.

- All normal, however lunch was not as healthy as the rest of the day. My friend and I went shopping in Buffalo. I knew the prospects of getting a decent salad at the food court was minimal, so I opted to eat lunch breakfast (salad, piece of gluten-free toast with hummus). For lunch, I settled on a grilled chicken souvlaki pita with a salad.

The meal was massive, and I forgot to tell the Mr. Souvlaki employee to take it easy with the salad dressing and toppings (must have been daydreaming). As he squeezed a massive amount of salad dressing on the salad and did the same with the tzatziki for the sandwich. A few hours later on the trek home, we stopped at McDonald's for a drink and a snack (small french fries).

This leads to another observation about the digestive system. Digestion appears to slow down whenever I choose to eat food prepared anywhere else besides at home. I suspect this happens due to a combination of factors from eating less vegetables and fibre, eating bigger portions etc. And it takes time (three days) for the everything to, you know, get back to normal.

In any case, to safeguard against this sort of issue, I implemented an informal eating guideline - one which I did not follow last week - I eat a side of quinoa for dinner on Monday and Tuesday nights. It just seems to get things, you know, moving.

So the next time your meal consists of processed/junk food, try to eat more fruits, vegetables and quinoa to get it moved through your system.

As for me, last Wednesday's result was zero; however, after the um, log jam cleared, the next morning I weighed in 1.4 pounds down. I'm telling you, if you ain't pooin', the scale ain't moving.


  1. Lol, that is so true. My new mantra. :)

  2. I have to admit, I weigh first thing in the morning & again after a BM, I like to see the instant loss!

    1. I think its a thrill that many of us like to witness!

    2. Ok, maybe feel more than witness... I can tell you I don't really want to witness my hubby takin' a dump...

  3. Oh the first line cracked me up! My husband will weigh before and after he poops, after a long workout, before bed....

    1. Wow, he really enjoys weighing himself! Imagine if they developed a device that continually tracks your weight. Or perhaps it could be an app on an iPhone....

  4. OMG...I am so with you (except I don't weigh) on loving the feeling that I am about to take a nice big dump. In fact, it's gotten to the point that if I don't have time for my regular routine in the morning...if I have to rush...I usually can't go and that upsets me greatly! And on another note, I have discovered that I am lactose intolerant and had eliminated all of it except for my beloved Greek yogurt. I really wanted to believe that the yogurt didn't affect me. Well, I finally got tired of the bloating and diarrhea and stopped eating it...and lo and behold, I am back to having nice big normal dumps. Hey, you brought it up! LOL

    1. If Oprah and Dr. Oz can discuss poops with dignity so can we! That's too bad about your newly discovered intolerance to Greek Yogurt, but bloating and diarrhea is not worth it, big dumps are much more satisfying!

  5. LOL. I always enjoy crack crap theories. I am always in a huff/amazed when I weigh then do a gigantic crap and then weigh again and no movement... on the scale.

    I like a woman that is in tune with what gets things moving and what jams the logs.

    1. No movement in the scale after a gigantic poop? That just proves you are full of puff!

    2. LOL! I think you're right!

  6. What are some easy tasty ways to incorporate quinoa into one's weekly eating?

    1. I must admit, my hubby is the cook in our house. But I will ask him for some tips. On Saturday he was going to make barley mushroom risotto (so good), but we didn't have any barley left so he used quinoa instead. It was really delicious; I'm hoping to eat the leftovers tonight. All in all, I think he basically cooks it in chicken stock instead of water....

      For me, quinoa is an acquired taste. I didn't like it at all about five years ago. I just started eating it again in 2012; now that I'm not so hung up on the idea that everything must taste really good, I'm starting to really like the taste. In any case, I will ask hubby about Saturday's version. It was sooo good...

  7. I realize there are posts ahead of me to read, and you might talk about this later, but steamed broccoli is the best regulator I have found. Lightly steamed. Can add freshly squeezed Lemon if that helps (it does help me)


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